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F7U-3M copy.jpg

One more of the F7U - they have really packed them in since my last visit years back.
Photo by Ed
all rights reserved
HO3S copy.jpg

Sikorsky HO3S-1 ex N4927E According to the Museum data, this actual aircraft was involved in an unusual rescue for which the pilot received an award.
It seems while enroute to pick up a pilot who bailed out over water, the USAF pilot could not hold on the device, so the Coastie pilot deployed the chopper's floatation
gear, left the chopper idling, dove in and secured the downed pilot, re-entered the cockpit and completed the rescue.

Photo by Ed
all rights reserved
Interstate TDR-1 copy.jpg

Interstate TDR-1 - intended as a pilotless weapon for the pacific, it was superceded by manned aircraft. Interstate prewar built light planes competing with Piper, Aeronca etc.
The above design was accepted with a steel tube frame built by Schwinn bicycles, covered with molded plywood from Wurlitzer, and assembled at a purpose built plant on a purpose
built airport near Chicago. Less than 200 of the 2000 ordered were finished.
photo by Ed
all rights reserved
JD-1 copy.jpg

This shot of the outside aircraft was the best I could do without getting arrested (family outing, father's day, you know).
It is an attempt to show the B-26 (JD-1) C-130 fat albert blues support bird, a P-3, a connie, an F-4, another F-14. I hope the AJ Savage is in the Hangar

photo by Ed
all rights reserved
SB2A-1 lt rr copy.jpg

SB2A-1 rt rr copy.jpg

Brewster SB2A-1 Buccaneer - This actual aircraft is parts of two Bermudas refused by RAF and recovered from swamps near William Northern Field
Tullahoma Tennessee. These RAF rejects were given to the USMC (what else is new?) for training to use SB2A-1 radar trainers, and pushed into the swamp. This one is alleged to be
FF860, and the other FF443, the remains of which may be stored at Pima.
photos by Ed
all rights reserved
Douglas SBD-2
Midway survivor used for carrier training Lake Michigan, dredged out, restored and displayed. As you can see, nothing special to most visitors, but the grandpas
stop and look.
Photo by Ed
all rights reserved
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Sikorsky 1486 tail copy.jpg

Sikorsky HH-3F Pelican - Once stationed at NAS Callender Joint Reserve Base New Orleans, last Sitka Alaska

If you wonder why so much time spent in the USCG area, my third daughter's hubby is a Coastie and they took us on the father's day outing. A funny coming through the gate, all persons over 16 must have I.D. but a military I.D. gets the car
load in. Son in law from back seat showed his card (Ensign) and the guard saluted me thinking, I guess, retired military. I would have to be the Guard's oldest Ensign.
Photos by Ed
all rights reserved

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