Avro Lancaster and Lincoln manuals

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I thought I had posted these four pages before I went to Brisbane and now find that I had not. My apologies.

These pages are the same edition as the ones previously posted but are not only in much better condition but are, surprisingly, on different sized paper - note the distance between the text and the bottom of the diagram frame on Figure 1 in particular.

My thanks go to the great people at the Lincs Aviation Heritage Centre at RAF Coningsby for providing these scans.


  • AP 2062 v1 s4 c1 diagrams ww2.pdf
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You can find more Lancaster and other Bomber Command related information at this site. Lancasterbombers dot net Bomber Command History Manuals and aircrew training booklets are found at Books, Notebooks & Manuals – Bomber Command History has manuals and other material in flipbook format.

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