Azur 1:72 Breguet 396

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Senior Airman
Nov 9, 2009
Massachusetts, USA
Greetings to all fellow model builders!

About a month ago, I started in on building my first multi-media kits, and chose the Azur Breguet 396 in what my modeling friends from Ohio call "divine scale". I guess it's only divine when you're as nearsighted as I am! Anyway, here are the progress pics for the build up to decaling, and I hope you enjoy them. As always, any and all comments are very welcome.... Hope to have this baby completed some time in October of this year.
Sorry for the order of these pictures, but it seems I didn't have any control over them!! Anyway, I did a few enhancements to the kit, both build-wise and painting wise. I included spar structure enhancement with plastic strip in the landing gear bays, and did preshading of the panel lines in black. I am replacing the nose machine gun and cannon barrels with Minimecca steel tubing. Next up will be a panel line wash in burnt umber and black oils.....
Very nice indeed! It might be the camera angle, and the camouflage pattern, but in the second shot (head on), it looks as though there might be some slight warping, making the wings and fuselage look twisted.
If you want to get the photos in a particular order, once uploaded, they should appear in the box below the main 'selection panel. If they are out of sequence, they can be 'dragged', using the mouse, into the required order.

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