The B-17 started at 26,520 pounds empty, 37,000 pounds gross, 45,650 pounds (Y1B-17A)
Went to: 29,021 pounds empty, 39,320 pounds gross, 49,650 pounds maximum. (B-17C)
Jumped to: 32,350 pounds empty, 40,260 pounds gross, 53,000 pounds maximum (B-17E)
And finished at: 32,720 pounds empty, 55,000 pounds normal loaded, 72,000 pounds maximum. (B-17G)
A few structural modifications and beefed up landing gear along the way. Bomb Bay fit between wing spars so it was limited in length.
On lot of these big bombers (especially ones that grew in weight) you cannot stick what ever you want, where ever you want.
From the B-17 Manual:
A) B-17F airplanes, with modified landing gear
and added chord-wise wing tip tanks, can be flown up to
and including a gross weight of 64,500 pounds, with
the following restrictions:
(B) At 64,500 pounds,the extra wing tip tanks
must be full to obtain the effect of a relieving load on
the wings in flight. Care must be exercised in taxying
avoiding rough ground. Take-offs, above a gross
weight of 56,000 pounds may be made only on smooth
fields or prepared runways. All pivot turns on one
wheel, while taxying, will be avoided.
(C) All B-17 type airplanes, equipped with extra wing tip
chord-wise tanks, must be operated in accordance
with (B) preceding, whenever the wing tip
tanks are more than half full. Maximum permissible
indicated air speed of B-17F airplanes, with extra
wing tip tanks full, must be limited to 230 mph, when
loaded to 64,500 pounds. Maximum maneuver permissible
at 64,500 pounds; positive, 2.056; negative,
1.22; landing gear, 2.1.
A B-17 running light (40-45,000lbs) could hit 226mph at sea level (true and indicated speeds the same?) using max continuous power. A B-17 at 53,000lb could probably pull a 2.5 G maneuver and in the low 40s it could pull 3 "G"s.
Even if you increase the power you are starting to run in "placard" limits that restrict the actual performance increase.