This reminds me of that old war story that has the same sort of ending as the story about the little boy who figured out how to get the truck unstuck from beneath the bridge where it was wedged: "Why don't you just let the air out of the tires?" The bomber story says that during the war some general decided to conduct a study to figure out where to put extra armor on our bombers. He had a team compile damage reports and see if there was a pattern of some parts of the bombers suffering more damage than others. Sure enough, some locations on the planes were indeed getting more than their share of flak damage. As he was preparing to order that the additional armor be concentrated in those places, one of his advisors said, "Sir, I actually think it would be smarter to put the additional armor in the places that received less damage." The general asked why on earth he thought that. The advisor answered, "Well, sir, these are the planes that made it back."