B26 ?? (1 Viewer)

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le gaulois

May 18, 2019
Hello everyone and thank you in advance for your information. I discovered a crash site in the Ardennes in Belgium, I'm thinking of a B26? but I can't find any information I hope you can help me


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Hello everyone and thank you in advance for your information. I discovered a crash site in the Ardennes in Belgium, I'm thinking of a B26? but I can't find any information I hope you can help me
Hi there!

Here's the parts as best I can identify them at this time based on one of the parts catalogs I own (I will go through another catalog when I have time later this week)

DSCN1222: Part No. R-362726 or R-362726N, the N seems to be engraved. 362725 & 26 are the parts numbers for the complete left and right aileron assemblies respectively for all long wing B-26 models (B-26B-10 through -55, B-26C, B-26F & B-26G). Per an extract shown below from T.O. 01-35EB-4 (Parts Catalog for B-26B1 and C), the N suffix should be used when ordering parts for the B-26C. I don't know if this means that B-26C parts themselves had this suffix, I have never seen a B-26C data plate before. If that were the case, then we should be able to identify the aircraft as a B-26C.
WW2aircraft Aileron 01-35EB-4 p5.PNG

WW2aircraft Aileron 01-35EB-4 p10.PNG

Source: T.O. 01-35EB-4 p. 5 & 10
The other numbers on the name plate are harder to decipher, they could just be the serial number of the part itself, which would not help identifying the aircraft's serial number. I think I see 2383 G or 2383 0 on the top right and 5251 below it. Neither have an obvious connection to a specific B-26 without making assumptions.

DSCN1236 & 1239: I'm not sure what this is and can find no matching parts nor numbers on 01-35EB-4. I will check 01-35E-4 (Parts Catalog for all long wing models, B-26B1 through G) to see if it has any answers later this week.

DSCN1223: Part A-264236, cowl flap controls nameplate for most B-26 models. Goes on the front of the pilot's engine control pedestal. Source: I have a copy of this drawing.

DSCN1233, 1238 & 1244: Unable to identify at this time. DSCN1244 seems to say ?? Laboratories Inc., Brooklyn, N.Y. on it. If there is any other writing on these pieces that could help.

DSCN1229: Unable to identify but possibly placard from top turret, will see if turret manual has any answers.

DSCN1226 & 1227: 8-day clock, unable to confirm much else. B-26s were fitted with A-9 (Specification 27879) or A-11 (Specification 27970 or 94-27970-A) clocks.

Will update when I know more,
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Many thanks for your response, so my ideas were correct. image 8 is a part of the cockpit controlling flaps L and R. the ammunition found cal 0.50 are from 1942 and 1943 but I have nothing more in the way of information. I'm going to go to the site this morning and maybe have something to move forward. Thank you again and have a good day


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Many thanks for your response, so my ideas were correct. image 8 is a part of the cockpit controlling flaps L and R. the ammunition found cal 0.50 are from 1942 and 1943 but I have nothing more in the way of information. I'm going to go to the site this morning and maybe have something to move forward. Thank you again and have a good day
Hi Le Gaulois,

Apologies, I seem to have numbered the images incorrectly. I have now edited the post to refer to the images by file name.

The part in DSCN1223 is the cowl flap control nameplate I mentioned.

Below I have made attempts to identify the parts in your latest post:

DSCN1221 I cannot currently identify as no parts with this number format are in 01-35EB-4, but I will look for it in other parts catalogs and maintenance manuals soon. My suspicion based on images is that this, DSCN1236 & 1239 are either parts of the wing flap system or the elevator controls. Specifically, the part shown in DSCN1236 & 1239 might be an elevator torque tube.

DSCN1224 & 1225 are the name plate for the Emergency Landing Gear Controls. I do not know its part number. There would be a lever on either side of this plate, the left one controlling the nose gear and right one controlling the main gear.

DSCN1245 I believe are fuel tank caps.

Hi le gaulois,

I finally had time to go through 01-35E-4 (the parts catalog for B-26B1 through B-26G) and again couldn't find any parts with number 03-058-159 or 03-058-323. The catalog sometimes omits parts by mistake, particularly B-26C parts. The crash site is certainly that of a B-26 given the other parts you've found, but I cannot narrow it down any further than saying it is a long wing B-26 (B-26B-10 through -55, B-26C, B-26F or B-26G). Someone else might be able to identify it based on the location.

Frame DSCN1238 is most likely a down lock cylinder for landing gear. It is very similar to ones on B-26B Marauder 'Flak Bait'. It is a combination of hydraulic and springs, hydraulic to unlock, spring loaded to lock. If you chance to try and take apart, use caution with the screwed-on end cap, as the springs may be under tension.

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