B52H 1990s Old-styled Electronic countermeasure operator government manuals - shared for hobby

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Senior Airman
Mar 26, 2022
B52H 1990s Old-styled Electronic countermeasure operator government manuals - shared for hobby.
It was used to deal with anti-aircraft missles aiming at B-52Hs.
Thanks to Bill on n7jp public electronics amateur website.

Please download the following pdf attachment:


  • T-O-1B-52H-1-13-Electronic-Warfare-Officers-Manual-B-52H.pdf
    4.2 MB · Views: 153
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Electronic countermeasure tactics history and theory in Vietnam era, published on the internet for electronics history.
Please download the following pdf attachment:


  • Vietnam-Electronic-Warfare-Tactics.pdf
    1.8 MB · Views: 134
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<Electronic Warfare Fundamental> basic theory on electronic countermeasures in 2000.
Please download the following pdf attachment:


  • Electronic-Warfare-Fundamentals.pdf
    12.1 MB · Views: 129
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