battle of midway aircraft

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The carrier based aircraft for the Japanese Navy, were:
Aichi D3A - dive bomber
Nakajima B5N - torpedo bomber
Mitsubishi A6M - fighter

The carrier based aircraft of the US Navy, were:
Grumman F4F - fighter
Douglas SBD - dive bomber
Grumman TBF - torpedo bomber *
Douglas TBD - torpedo bomber

There were Japanese and American scout planes, though not launched from carriers.
There were also U.S. Navy, Army and Marine aircraft based on Midway that participated in the Battle.

Anyway, the aircraft I listed above can be used to Google the type you wish to read about.

* The TBFs were not carrier based during the battle, my error.
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looking more for color schemes for each flat top
Good place for USN . . . even has my father taking off from Yorktown in an F4F.

Photos of Japanese carriers and their planes at the Battle of Midway are a little thin on the ground for obvious reasons.
i just need the yorktown's air-group enterprise and hornet and the japanese carrier aircraft colors images the site i would get them form is done
it's the 80th anniversary and i want to make something for it
As luck would have it, I picked up a great book on Midway, early this week at the local thrift store based solely on a chapter I happened to see that went into detail about the Japanese scout planes launched from the battleships/cruisers and the strategy/lack of that went into their mission. I'll write up another reply when I'm off work and have the book with me. I believe there were 8 scout planes launched, 1 no go for engine probs, but they were of various types also used as spotters for the guns.
Zeroes were painted an overall Grey Green in most cases but not all, some were reported painted in the I3 Tsuchi-iro colour which has been described as an earth, tan, Brown, Mustard colour.
D3A1 Vals were a Dark Green on upper surfaces and either grey Green or I3 on lower surfaces depending on which carrier they were from.
B5N2 Kates were also Painted similarly to the Vals
A number of these aircraft were likely Pearl Harbour veterans where some of these colours can be confirmed plus there were replacement aircraft which likely were dark green upper/Grey Green Lower.

check some of these colours on Kates in my GB54 Pacific Theatre Kate(s) builds and GB17 for my Zero build EIII-117 these may help.
fing putin
does anyone have a vf-42 midway paint job and the others flyers in the battle

Technically VF-42 was not at Midway. The squadron HQ, the CO, LCDR Charlie Fenton, and XO, LT Vince McCormack, was at MCAS Ewa on Oahu. The remaining pilots of VF-42, 16, I believe without looking it up, led by LTJG Bill Leonard, had trooped over to NAS Kaneohe and were TAD to VF-3 under LCDR Jimmie Thach and actually made up the majority of that squadron's flyers.

So, the planes flown by VF-42 pilots at Midway were all marked as VF-3. As noted above, photos can be found here, Battle of Midway but you have to work your way through, there's only 15 pages .. . page 5 has a nice shot of my father's VF-3 F4F taking off from Yorktown (or you can look directly here 80-G-312016 Battle of Midway, June 1942).

VF-3 F4Fs were all plain-jane F4Fs with the squadron insignia on the access panel just forward and below the cockpit, both sides. White numbers in the usual places, nothing unusual.
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