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So are the French ships battlecruisers or 2nd class fast battleships?
The Deutschlands had many roles to fill:Good point about the Kongos, I'd completely overlooked them.
I had thought the Deutschlands were designed and operated primarily as commerce-raiders, which is one of the classic missions of a cruiser.
Their deployment as commerce raiders was successful use of the long range provided by their diesel engines.
Where do the Nelsons fit?Yes, no, maybe?
SMS Emden
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about 4,000 tons depending on load, 10 X 4.1in guns, 23.5 kts (in good condition)
Arguably German's most successful cruiser raider of WW I.
There was sort of a hierarchy going on. Light cruisers (3rd class?) were supposed to be hunted down by 2nd class cruisers. Light and 2nd class were supposed to be hunted down by 1st class protected and/or armored cruisers.
Battlecruisers were supposed to hunt down the big cruisers.
But just like modern times, everything kept growing. And just like cell phones advance today, propulsion systems and other things changed at very fast rates in the decades from the late 1800s to the end of WW II.
A 1908 light cruiser (3rd class) was as big as a 1892 2nd class cruiser, and faster, and had better guns (1892 was just seeing the introduction of smokeless powder).
At the end of WW II the US was laying down 3 big cruisers, the Des Moines class. They had been ordered in 1943.
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almost 21,000 tons with full fuel.
A good part of her size was the fast semi-automatic 8in guns that could fire 10 rounds per minute. The guns had a max range of 17 miles and with the radar fire control they would have been very formidable opponents for any ship.
A "Battle cruiser" was no longer required to take out enemy cruisers.
Of course planes were doing a pretty good job of that anyway and after 1945 there weren't very many people building cruisers either.
However in 1930s when battleship construction began again the WW I "battlecruiser" was long dead. It had been dying even at the beginning of WW I (1912-14), until Jackie Fisher beat on it's chest and did CPR on it (and he should have let it go peacefully) By the 1930s the fast battleship had taken over. I don't believe anybody made a modern Battleship of less that 27kts and some of the modern "battlecruisers" were more like 2nd class fast battleships that the 1906-1909 Battlecruisers.
Of course as there were only 4 (7 if you count the Deutschland and sisters) before the the Alaskas show up it is a bit hard to generalize. The 1930s ships also had treaty restrictions and political considerations and were not totally governed by military needs and budgets.
Which ones? Nelson (1814), Nelson (1876) or Nelson (1925).Where do the Nelsons fit?
It doesn't fit the fast battleship model nor do the Colorados or Nagatos. After WWI the Battlecruiser was very much alive with the US and the Japanese busy constructing them and the RN planning them.Which ones? Nelson (1814), Nelson (1876) or Nelson (1925).
Nelson (1925) has battleship guns, battleship armour and battleship speed - pretty much locks her into battleship.
This is a fantastic website for those interested in the evolution of battleships and battlecruisersIt doesn't fit the fast battleship model nor do the Colorados or Nagatos. After WWI the Battlecruiser was very much alive with the US and the Japanese busy constructing them and the RN planning them.
The Nelsons fit in because the Japanese and Americans had BBs with 16 in guns, so in the Washington treaty of 1922 Britain was "allowed" to catch up.It doesn't fit the fast battleship model nor do the Colorados or Nagatos. After WWI the Battlecruiser was very much alive with the US and the Japanese busy constructing them and the RN planning them.
As for the Scharnhorst Class, they were considered by the Germans as "Schlachtshiffe", battleships in the same vein as the Bismarck and Tirpitz, it was only the allies that classed them as battlecruisers. The Germans did so because the intent was to arm them with Bismarck Class twin 15-in turrets and when Gneisenau went into port following the Channel Dash for repairs, the opportunity was taken to remove her 11-in turrets to fit the 15-in turrets. Two (I think) of Gneisenau's 11-in turrets survive in Norway at the Austratt Fort.
IIRC Germans were not calling any ships' class as 'Battlecruiser'. The well-known 'Moltke' was listed as 'panzerkreuzer' - armored cruiser, or 'protected cruiser' - per photo, or as 'grossenkreuzer' - a 'big cruiser'. Similar for the 'Derfflinger'.
A 'batlecruiser' should be a capital ship with a reduced armor, and with guns of similar size as the battleships? The 'twins' were the opposite of that - guns were small, armor was thick.
The best description of a Kirov that I ever read was from a USN Submarine commander who called them "a Navy Cross in waiting".2 of the Lexingtons CBs were converted into aircraft carriers, USS Lexington and Saratoga each packing 8 x 8" guns.
Does anybody consider the Russian Kirovs as Battlecruisers? I keep reading they some do but don't see the armor being thick enough.
I don't know anyone who regards the [iDeutschlands[/i] as battlecruisers. But even without them we have the three British BCs, and the Ugly Sisters by 1939. Of course missions evolve, and designs along with them. Destroyers too are a great example of this, and BBs in WWII went from conceptualized battle-line confrontations to shore bombardment/AA farms. Yet we still called destroyers "destroyers" and battleships "battleships".
The Brits call the Ugly Sisters "battleships" (and sometimes "battlecruisers") while calling the Alaskas (ships larger, faster, and better armed) "large cruisers". It's all very baffling to me, which why I don't fully agree with Drach's nomenclature and justifications for it.
For what it's worth, I also call the Alaskas battle cruisers. Even though it's wrong.
It's us against the US Navy!
If you look at the actual design and not just superficial stats the difference is very plain.
The British battlecruisers, Scharnhorst & Gneisenau, and Dunkerque & Strassborg are all internally similar to battleships in the hull structure and detail layout of their armor... even if it is a bit light.
The Alaska were specifically designed according to USN cruiser design principles in hull structure and armor layout... thus their designation as "Large Cruisers".
This one seems to be kind of variable. I don't know what the US knew and when but the 1942 Janes reports 3 ships under construction with six 12 in guns of 12-15,000 tons. More like enlarged Deutschland's than than Scharnhorst. Janes might be a reputable source compared to internal memos.As I've posted before the three Alaska class ships only came about due to an incorrect report about Japan planning to
build ships similar to the Scharnhorst.
The Alaska type was classed by the USN as a heavy cruiser and found it's niche as a fast carrier escort due to having good
AA armament.
How much was Beatty and how much was higher up?Obviously Beatty didn't get that memo.
The poor Blucher was an in-between ship. Not only was stuck with 8.2 in guns but stuck with reciprocating machinery. However she was about 3-4kts faster than the other German armored cruisers so there wasn't good way to form a tactical unit with them. She was actually faster by 2-3 knots than the last British armored cruisers in theory but could not make full speed in her last action. She was about as fast (or with in 1/2 a knot?) as an Invincible if both were right out of dock yard.Battleship size and weapons, cruiser speed and armor, that was Jackie Fishers idea, the Germans fouled up when they heard the RN was building "Large Cruisers" and presented the Blucher, a hefty large cruiser in her own right, except she was only as fast as a armored cruiser with 8in guns. That check that her stern couldn't cover got cashed at Dogger Bank.
The Alaska's were used as carrier escorts because they couldn't figure out what else to do with them. The AA armament was good but it wasn't any better than the Baltimore's or even the Cleveland's.