Bert Kinzey from Detail and Scale in hospital with COVID

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Feb 23, 2014
Katy Texas
Bert Kinzey the author of most and owner of Detail & Scale with COVID and pneumonia. If you follow him at all you know he has had cancer and has a bad hart. Best wishes and prayers.
Update from D&S FB page.

proof Prayer works, message from Bert:
I wanted to check in and provide an update on my status. I'm still in the hospital and will continue to be for at least a few more days. Not sure yet. But I am improving as they pump me full of all kinds of steroids and antibodies, some of which are brand new and experimental. I had a bad reversal back on Saturday after some had seemed to help, but no reversals since. Heart has held up, thankfully.
I thank everyone for your love, prayers, and support. It means so much, and it is inspirational to me. Please understand I'm still very weak, and what strength and time I have must be spent working with the medical staff who are working to make me well. So I cannot answer individual messages and comments now, but I try to read them when I can.
Thank you again for all the love and support. It is appreciated more than you can possibly know. God bless.

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