Best Aircraft in Many Different Roles Part II (1 Viewer)

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People are people. All nationalities get reputations based on the exaggerated actions of a few individuals. When I lived in Germany most people treated me politely. However it you ask some Arizonan's they will tell you the rudest tourists at the Grand Canyon are Germans. All nationalities get accused of being "ugly". Showing a little patience with the foibles and mannerisms of others would do much to reduce perceptions of "ugly".

Getting back to the topic. The Mosquito wins against any of equal ability by being prettier.

I have heard the English referred to as 'ugly'. There is a whole dictionary of terms of endearment for us....:lol:
Was selling fruit vegetables in Trogir, Croatia, mostly to foreign people, for last 4 years.
The most polite people were Czechs, Germans, Americans, British, Scandinavians - all far more polite than myself.

Sorry for continuing the OT :)
You know, I have to agree that the Mosquito is the best-looking of the contenders. The British have a flair for producing both the prettiest and the ugliest aircraft, sometimes simultaneously.

Think of the Spitfire and Barracuda. Or the Morris Minor and the Barracuda. Or a hedgepig and the Barracuda. Or the North end of a Southbound jackass and a Barracuda. Barracuda pilot's wives probably filed for divorce just because the plane their husbands were flying was so ugly. Women DO have sense of style, and the Barracuda had a large dose of "no-style."

Heck, the Barracuda could be uglier than the PZL Zubr, which gained fame as one of the ugliest of all time. I suppose it depends on your definition of ugly. The Barracuda's opponents probably didn't shoot at it so as no to defile their bullets, and to generally keep their machine guns on friendly terms with the pilot. The Skua wasn't much better, but at least looked somewhat purposeful. The Barracuda just looked ridiculous. Putting the design on paper is one thing, and may be forgiven as a pathetic effort after drinking too many pints. Making it for real was an act of unpardonable bad taste.

Unfortunately, it gave good service, so we cannot totally disparage the homely Barracuda. But since none are left flyable, we could declare a national holiday that we don't have to see one at an airshow. Though the engine would sound like a Merlin and bring you joy, the sight of it would bring you indigestion and perhaps mumps or even a sinking spell.
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GregP dont be so mean to the poor old Barracuda she didnt want to be the ugly girl at the dance:lol:

I have always thought of the Barracuda as a Camel loaded with cargo, it will get you there but by god it doesnt look good whilst doing it.
At least they didn't name the Firefly Godmother or Tutu. Who would be afraid of a Fairey Godmother or a Fairey Tutu? :)

Sorry, I'll not hijack this thread again, I hope.
Perhaps it should be remembered that companies don't just come up with a design, they are invited to tender, and the design is chosen by the mandarins at the Air Ministry, or (in this case) the Lords of the Admiralty. Only then does the company go ahead with what they're asked for. Always forgotten is that the Barracuda might have disabled Tirpitz long before 617/9 Squadrons did the job, if a 1600lb bomb hadn't been sabotaged by being filled with sand instead of explosive. Worth reading is "Barracuda Pilot," by Dunstan Hadley, if you're interested in getting a balanced view of the aircraft.
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Mr. Brooks,

You don't seem to have much of a sense of humor and you need to get one.

I appreciate the Barracuda's contibutuions to the war effort (as I posted) but, to me, it is singularly unlovely. If you don't agree, so be it. I thought it was funny and I'd bet most people other than you thought so, too.

If you like the lines of Barracuda, that's fine. Post a retort describing your feelings of Barracuda beauty. It may draw some retorts of its own if you do. My bet is more people think it was ugly than cute.

I have been wrong before and could be now ... but I doubt it. If so, I will absolutely refrain from Barracuda "UGLY" comments in the future. Perhaps you think it is cute. If so, don't tell your friends or they may change their opinion of your aesthetic sensibility.

If I were restoring one, I might change my mind. Thank heavens I'm involved in restoration of another ugly aircraft, the Bell YP-59A Airacomet. I want to see it fly but, being rooted in reality, I realize it is ugly but historic. So I work on it for the sake of history, not for beauty points.

Oh, and I'd take a biscuit, anytime. With honey. Thanks.

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My apologies. I am chastized and shall refrain from such going forward.

In fact, I edited the post and removed the word.
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