Mr. Brooks,
You don't seem to have much of a sense of humor and you need to get one.
I appreciate the Barracuda's contibutuions to the war effort (as I posted) but, to me, it is singularly unlovely. If you don't agree, so be it. I thought it was funny and I'd bet most people other than you thought so, too.
If you like the lines of Barracuda, that's fine. Post a retort describing your feelings of Barracuda beauty. It may draw some retorts of its own if you do. My bet is more people think it was ugly than cute.
I have been wrong before and could be now ... but I doubt it. If so, I will absolutely refrain from Barracuda "UGLY" comments in the future. Perhaps you think it is cute. If so, don't tell your friends or they may change their opinion of your aesthetic sensibility.
If I were restoring one, I might change my mind. Thank heavens I'm involved in restoration of another ugly aircraft, the Bell YP-59A Airacomet. I want to see it fly but, being rooted in reality, I realize it is ugly but historic. So I work on it for the sake of history, not for beauty points.
Oh, and I'd take a biscuit, anytime. With honey. Thanks.