Best Bomber

Best Bomber of WWII?

  • Mosquito

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lancaster

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-24

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-29

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-17

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-25

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Do-17

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ju-88

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • He 177

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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cheddar cheese said:
But this was 4 years earlier and by a country which had far less resources...I think the P.108 could have been the best bomber of the war had it been further developed and not seen as a joke by the Germans.

Well, it could certainly have been a better bomber than anything they had. Hiter's requirement that all bombers be dive bombers was a huge blunder.


I know this is an old poll but I do cast my vote for the B-29. Besides being my favorite aircraft of all time, I believe it also was the best bomber of the war. It had good range, speed, altitude, bombload and armament, plus pressurization. Others indeed had a mix of these features but never had all of them in one package.

Pressurization was a mixed blessing. If they expected they might get into combat, they'd depressurize the cabin. Sometimes they didn't, and we hear stories of 1 meter holes being blown in the skins of B-29's as a result!



PS: I agree, the B-29 was the best heavy bomber of WWII.
Most times Ive read of and talked with vets they only were pressurized when not over target. However like you said some chose to ignore the possiblity of an explosive decompression. One veteran I talked to said that they didn't depressurize during the run and were hit producing a hole right above the guys head in the forward compartment. He said to plug the hole he threw his gloves up and they were caught in the hole!! He also said they're were a few other holes and these were plugged by putting small pieces of cardboard over the hole and the pressure differential would hold them there.

On an interesting note did you know the B-29B was equipped with more than tail guns. The B model was basically a stripped bomber with only the tail turret remaining, all sighting blisters were faired over. However in the rear pressurized area there was a provision for firing flexible hand held .50 caliber machine guns out of the sighting blister holes. I dont know much more about it though except that it was a provision, Ive never read if it was used or if the extra .50s were even carried!
id say the best would be the 29 followed by the 17, i just wouldnt feel safe in a lancaster
hey the B-29 rocks and all but you have to look at other countries because germany was close behind in building a good bomber
If the Lancaster had better handling qualities ................and a better armour i would fly it. In other words screw the lancaster cuz the b-29 is better
Devin Dilley said:
hey the B-29 rocks and all but you have to look at other countries because germany was close behind in building a good bomber

All of the Germans bombers were short range, unless you were referring to that great toaster of the skies called the He 177 Greif. Very handy if you wanted to make toast - just give the engine ONE second to warm up!!
I dont know guys but I think the JUNKER 88 is the best because of its many roles. Yes it had a light bomb load and shorter range than most but it was a good design.
Mosin said:
I dont know guys but I think the JUNKER 88 is the best because of its many roles. Yes it had a light bomb load and shorter range than most but it was a good design.

I think that It certainly was the best twin engined Bomber the Germans had, and was also an effective nightfighter. But due to the Lancasters range bombload the Lanc still does it for me!

the lancaster kicks ass said:
and loose the manouverability that saved it from so many NFs?? just out of interest how many B-17s were shot down during the war??

EXACTLY!! I Never heard of a B17 doing a corkscrew Manouevre before.

Many Lancaster veterans said that the Lanc handled more like a fighter it was very responsive on the controls. The only thing the B17 could do was stay in its tight combat wing formations for the combined firepower of all the ships together!!
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