Best Cold War Tank

Best tank of the Cold War

  • M551 Sheridan

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Centurion Mk. 5-13

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • M60 Patton

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • M48 Patton

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • M47 Patton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • T-55

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • T-62

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • T-34/85

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • M103

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • M26/46

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PT-76

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • T-10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • IS-3

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • T-44

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • M41 Walker Bulldog

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scorpion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AMX-30

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Type 59

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AMX-13

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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This was an article i found on the T-62 in the online Military Factory magazine dated January 2014.

T-62s are a a low-profile design with a center-fitted turret emplacement. The glacis plate was very shallow and well-sloped for excellent point ballistics protection. The sides were dominated by the track system encompassing five road wheels to a hull side. The drive sprocket was held at the front with the track idler at the rear.

Like the T-54 and T-55 before it, the T-62 lacked any track return rollers along the upper track region. The single diesel engine was held in a rear-set compartment and could generate its own smoke screen as needed. The turret was well-curved and squat in its general appearance, housing the 115mm U-5TS main gun armament as well as three of the four crew. The crew consisted of the driver in the front-left hull and the tank commander, gunner and loader in the turret/middle hull region. The turret was protected by up to 242mm of armor thickness along the front facing. A pair of external fuel tanks could be fitted to the rear of the hull for improved ranges and jettisoned when empty, but whilst giving much needed range for deep penetration, also proved one of the tanks worst weaknesses, being its propensity to catch fire.

The main gun was fitted with a fume extractor and featured two-axis stabilization for limited "firing-on-the-move" capability. The main gun was also given case ejector actuated by the recoil action to which spent shell casings were ejected automatically out of the turret rear via a spring-loaded door after firing. The main gun was supplemented by a coaxial 7.62mm PKT series machine gun in the turret for anti-infantry defense. A 12.7mm DShK anti-aircraft heavy machine gun on the turret roof was optional and not generally seen in early production units, and no presnt at Golan or in the Suez in 1973. Up to 40 x 115mm projectiles were carried aboard, stored within the turret itself and primarily along the hull sides. 2,500 x 7.62mm rounds of machine gun ammunition were also carried for the coaxial machine gun. Power was derived from a V-55 12-cylinder diesel engine outputting at 580 horsepower. This supplied the vehicle with a top speed of 31 miles per hour on ideal surfaces with an operational range of 280 miles not including environmental factors.

The main gun was cleared to fire the requisite High-Explosive (HE) and Armor-Piercing (AP) projectiles of 115mm caliber. The HE breed consisted of the HE-FRAG-FS. The ammunition load out also usually included HEAT-FS. The dedicated AP round was the APFSDS - Armor-Piercing, Fin-Stabilized, Discarding Sabot. This projectile could range out at targets up to 3,100 yards away and penetrate up to 330mm of armor plate - a major upgrade from the projectile types fired from the 100mm main guns of the T-54 and T-55 series. The main gun held an elevation limitation of -6 to +16 degrees. One of the key limitations of the T-54/55 models were their lack of true "hull down" firing due to the main gun's depression restriction. The T-62 improved upon this limitation to an extent.

The T-62 was delivered with several notable standardized features including NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) protection for the crew as well as an automated fire extinguishing system which could also be manually actuated. An integrated snorkel could be erected prior to entering bodies of water and provide the T-62 with limited amphibious capabilities. The commander, gunner and driver positions all included arrangements for infrared night vision devices. To keep the tank from becoming bogged over a trench or obstacle, a unique "unditching" beam was fitted under at the rear of the hull.

Despite its improvements and advancements, the T-62 eventually showcased several limitations to her design. The new advanced tank proved more expensive to produce in quantity, derailing foreign interest, they being content in keeping/producing/modernizing their T-54/55 series still. The lack of T-62 large-scale interest ultimately forced T-55-producing factories to continue serial while T-62 was ultimately discontinued. Furthermore, the original Russian engines proved unreliable and somewhat underpowered. Crew protection was lacking - as combat would soon show.

In the T-62's first combat actions during the Yom Kipper War of 1973, the tank shown a tendency to catch fire when hit, making the T-62 a threat to its own crews as much as any Israeli tank. As with the T-54 and T-55, hundreds of T-62 tanks were captured by the Israelis from the Syrians and Egyptians, modified and reconstituted to fight against their former owners. Israeli versions sported improved armor protection, American-based powerplants and technological additions such as laser rangefinders and thermal imaging. Such modified T-62 tanks were designated as "Tiran-6" in the Israeli inventory and proved greater in value and quality than the original design. Unmodified captured Israeli T-62s were known under the "Tiran-3" designation. The T-62 fared no better in the 1982 Libyan invasion of Chad, where large numbers were destroyed or rendered inoperable.

These early failures of the tank undoubtedly led to renewed need for improvement of the basic design. The tank was featured in the bloody Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988 and in the Lebanese Civil War of 1982-1983. Iraqi T-62s were also thrown into the fray during the 1990-1991 Gulf War which saw Saddam Hussein's forces routed. Russian T-62 use extended to the 1st and 2nd Chechen Wars of the 1990s. Afghan T-62s were in action during the 2001 United States invasion and Iraqi T-62s were once again fodder in the 2003 American invasion. The 2008 War in South Ossetia brought the T-62 into the forefront once again and the type was utilized in combat as recently as the 2011 Libyan Civil War which saw an end to Muammar Gaddafi's tyrannical reign.

The T-62 family ultimately consisted of a myriad of production variants and upgraded types. The T-62A designation marked modified T-55 prototypes with their 100mm main guns. T-62 was used to designate proper initial production models and these fielded the 115mm smoothbore main guns. The T-62K was the command tank variant of the T-62 production model. The T-62KN was similar though with expanded equipment. The T-62K introduced the capability to fire the AT-3 "Sagger" anti-tank missile launcher.

In 1967, the T-62 was upgraded with a modified engine deck design. In 1972, the series brought about use of the 12.7mm DShK heavy machine gun at the loader's hatch to counter low-flying aircraft threats. A new drive sprocket design was also introduced. In 1975, the series was given the KTD laser rangefinder over the main gun.

The T-62D was delivered with the "Drozd" active vehicle protection system in 1983. This version also was given a new V-55U series diesel engine as well as applique armor protection. The T-62D-1 was similar though finished with the V-46-5M diesel engine.

A modernization program yielded the T-62M of 1983. The fire control system (FCS) was upgraded and applique armor was now standard. The suspension system was improved and tracks developed for the new T-72 series were instituted for the T-62 line. The hull floor was protected from land mines to an extent. Additional improvements netted new stabilizers, thermal sleeve on the gun barrel, sights, ballistic computer, external smoke grenade launchers and support for the AT-10 "Stabber" anti-tank guided missile. The T-62M appeared in the T-62M-1 form fitting the V-46-5M diesel engine as well as the T-62M1 with revised front facing armor and lack of anti-tank missile firing capability. The T-62M1-1 was finished with the V-46-5M diesel engine while the T-62M1-2 lost its anti-mine protection as well as applique armor. The T-62M1-2-1 was delivered with the V-46-5M diesel engine. The T-62MD utilized the Drozd active vehicle protection system as in earlier designs. The T-62MK was the command tank version. The T-62MK-1 was similar in function though delivered with the V-46-5M diesel engine. The T-62MK was another command tank version with additional equipment. The T-62MK-1 was similar though with the V-46-5M series diesel.

The T-62MV was given "Kontakt-1" series explosive reactive armor (ERA) blocks. The T-62MV-1 was similar though fitted with the V-46-5M diesel engine. The T-62M1V lacked its anti-tank guided missile capability. The T-62M1V-1 was given the V-46-5M diesel engine.

The T-62/122 was a combat engineering vehicle (CEV) variant fitting a 122mm howitzer gun system. The T-62/160 was a combat engineer vehicle fitted with a 160mm mortar for demolition work. The T-67 was a variant fitting the 125mm main gun of the T-72 MBT as well as its engine and transmission system. The TO-62 was a flame projecting tank version which still retained the 115mm main gun. Obyekt 167 was a prototype model fitting a V-26 series engine with a 700 horsepower output. Obyekt 167T fitted a GTD-3T series gasoline-fueled turbine engine.

The T-62 was later modified into a dedicated tank destroyer with an all-new turret design lacking its 115mm main gun. It its place was a 2K8 series anti-tank guided missile launcher. These eventually became armored recovery vehicles in the IT-1T after their useful battlefield lives were expended. This also included the similar BTS-4V/BTS-4U models as well as the BTS-4V1. Damaged T-62s that could be salvaged were also converted into ARVs under the BTS-4V2 designator. A lesser-known T-62 variant was the "Impuls-2M" firefighting vehicle.

The T-62 operated alongside the T-55 it was intended to replace. It was formally replaced itself by the newer T-72 series to which the T-55 soldiered on even after the T-62 was dropped from service in the Red Army.
I assume lucky your looking for reference material with colour plates and the like, If so, im afraid i dont have a book like that . Ill have a think about it though and ask around to see what might be available

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