Very close to the mark. In the morning, 47 SBD's attacked three IJN carriers, but only 43-44 carried bombs, as some had been inadvertantly jettisoned due to an electrical glitch.
The 13 bomb toting SBDs of VB-3 attacked the Soryu from around the compass similar to the Hiryu's divebomber attack on the Yorktown to allow optimal geometry on the manuevering carrier. They obtained 3 sure hits and an unknown number of near misses. That's almost 25% accuracy but unknown precision.
The 3 SBDs of Dick Bests section hit the Akagi in a difficult cross-deck attack scoring one sure hit and two damaging near misses. Hard to do much better than 30% accuracy and near perfect precision.
Finally, the remaining 27 SBDs of VB and VS-6 hit the Kaga achieving about 5 hits and an equal number of near misses. That's nearly 20% accuracy and awfully good precision.
On successive days, about 40 cummulative SBDs attacked IJN crusiers and destroyers. The 60 or so surviving SBDs also were tasked with fulfilling ASW patrols and search duties in addition to their strike activities.
For me, the dump truck is the best dedicated dive bomber of WW2 by a wide margin including considerations of performance, handling, survivability and accuracy of bombing.