Best Nightfighter of WW2

Best Nightfigher of WW2

  • Northrop Blackwidow

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mosquito

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Beaufighter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Corsair

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ME110

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • JU88

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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The Roc had fairings immediately before and behind the turret for streamlining purposes (streamlining a Roc HA!). Anyway, for combat they were retracted to all the turret a more complete field of fire. The Defiant had the same fairings.
They are equipped with the same fairings. If you look closely the 3rd Roc has just the rear fairing lowered. In that sense it is a very cool pic in that it gives you a look at three different positions.
I would call you a nerd, but I'm like that with tanks. It's not a cool pic though because why would you want three different views on a CRAP PLANE!?!
When it comes to WWII planes I am definitely a nerd. When it comes to WWII ships I am arguably a nerd. But the pic is neat in that it does show how the fairings worked.
oh yeah thanks aha, but i retain a high image in that i only contain my nerdness to school work, you on the other hand, you get threatened by kerry because of you flaunting your nerdness
cheddar cheese said:
oh yeah thanks aha, but i retain a high image in that i only contain my nerdness to school work, you on the other hand, you get threatened by kerry because of you flaunting your nerdness

I'm going to assume you don't mean John Kerry, the presidential nominee He's far too busy being an idiot here in america to concern himself with nerds in GB
intersting where the threads pop up.

Ok new guy speaking from interviews with the vets. for the US it would have to be the P-61 which in my opinion needed a good through going over. the top turret was not needed and the radar operator instead of the position in the rear of the a/c needed to be put in the cockpit with the pilot. In the ETO this was accomplished. It also needed a rear defensive armament which it did not have and it was shot down even by Bf 110G-4 outdated German a/c. The AI on the P-61's in the ETO also failed numerable times as I have the microfische of the 422nd and 425th nfs. Three of the members-pilots of the 425th I have personally interviewd as 2 live in my home state, one of the guys was CO of the 425th and lives about 150 miles to my north. the best thing said about the P-61 is that it was an excellent heavy weapons platform and could achieve excellent results as a night ground attack fighter.
For the British it had to be the Beau fiorst and then the later marks of the Mossie such as the nf 30. A fantastic a/c. Still should of had a rear gunner though ~

U know my opinions on the He 219.............. yuk !

Bf 110G-4 the standard performed well but was underpowered and too slow, not manueverable.

the Ju 88G-6 the best of the German craft for reasons I have mentioned or maybe I haven't ? Rear warning radar, 4 crewmen, good defensive arms. plenty of firepower with the high phosphorus and M shells. Schrag-musik in oblique guns, powerful engines and on more than one occassion the crew brought the machine back with one engine shot out. had all the latest apparatus like radar and radio receiver's including the bring back of the infra-red homing device. Telecode printers to follow RAF bomber stream the last two months of the war. first use of German AI radar but not enough craft with sets to go around............and on it goes. German pilots perferred the G-6 over any German nf.

no mention of the Me 262A-1a ? the best at night. Not one was shot down in night combat.......... at least 20 Moskito's shot down but probably more as I do not have my listing in front of me.

Erich ~
For the British it had to be the Beau fiorst and then the later marks of the Mossie such as the nf 30. A fantastic a/c. Still should of had a rear gunner though ~

just asking, how would you fit a gun facing to the rear in a mossie??

or were you refering to the beau?

I disagree the HE219 was seriously under-utilised and political infighting prevented it from being in place as early as it could have been. But for all of that it was both a beautiful aircraft to look at and a fine night-fighter.

I was referring to both...............that is not my problem on how to figure it out but the point is that the RAF a/c were both shot out of the skies usally not knowing what hit them.

As to the Heinkel you propose a what-if then...........the a/c never proved itself as a remarkable night fighter or the best that the Germans had to offer. If anything it was an a/c that was designed for the reasons of night fighting alone and nothing else and that is the only thing going for it that is postiive in my estimation. Had it not been withdarwn and not so many bougus protoyypes then just possibly it would of reamined in high numbers through the ranks of the NJG's but it wasn't, so lets just deal with what really happened..............

thumbs up ~E
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