I think the Pak43 with PzGr44 (APFDS) had the best penetration of the war?
I think it equalled the 20pounder, though IIRC someone here said that the latter wasn't too hot vs the IS3?
IIRC an '88' L100 was fired with APFDS?
Either that or the 32pdr with SVDS! 8)
Any more contenders?
You know Erich, that's not a bad choice.
Mobility for infantry is good.
I have been looking at this last year and found that the SU-76 (Suka/bitch)
was useful as it could get where water couldn't!
For mountain troops etc, that was important.
The German guns aren't so hot there.
The 37mm was mobile and was used in the Stuka I think? - but it did not have good penetration and in the Stuka used up precious Tungsten supplies. It was the 1st true anti-tank gun though?
A lot of Pak40's were abondoned in Russia too for being too heavy.
The Pak43 88mm was absolutely hated for this and called 'the barn door'.
The best would be the 50mm L60, very low silhouette, could destroy any tank in an ambush and was quick-firing.
The 6pounder was also good, fitted to a Mosquito IIRC?
In the 1st encouter with Tigers, it came out on top!
Also with SVDS/APDS rounds in '44, it was still pretty lethal. 8)
The 2pdr 'LittleJohn' wasn't too bad either!