Best WW2 plane for Ukraine today?

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A lot of folks don't realize that the Americans were trying to field an attack drone in WWI.

Yep, the Bug was impressive but too late to the war.
Of interest, Mr. Sperry himself was involved in the project, too.
Perhaps the best option for intercepting and downing UAVs over Ukraine would be an attack helicopter rather than a fixed wing type.

Something along the lines of an AH-1Z, which is fast, heavily armed and highly maneuverable.
About 20 years ago I think there were over 500 old Cobra fit for service after only light refurbishment.AH-1J etc. Bell blocked sale to Romania because they wanted to see new build. I so hate sleaze.
These would be welcomed by Ukrainian forces. Drone intercepts might be easier with small plane like Super Tucano as it is quicker. I am very fond of the Slovak twin 20 mm gun pod that fits STANAG hard point, but just the 50 cal would knock down the slow Shahead and similar. I think it's necessary to keep a good 400 meter standoff due Bomb size.
I am waiting for tiny suicide racing drones with 500 grams explosives to collide or proximity burst. Less than say $1000 units with just a few on range.
Okay, more Total Recall. What WW2 AFV would be most welcome in Ukraine? This would encompass tanks, armoured cars, assault guns, self-propelled guns, infantry fighting vehicles, and armoured personnel carriers.

The Daimler Armoured Car or other fast armoured cars are contenders, imo.
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Centurion MKI was in prototype when the war ended, though, alas for this thought experiment it didn't go into production until November 45.

Pershing wasn't really worth a damn till the M46 version fixed some of the automotive issues.

Honestly, the M-51 Isherman would be the best possible WWII produced and massively upgraded vehicle possible. Stick a thermal sight, a laser rangefinder and a ballistic computer and I'd be willing to ambush Russians in it.
Honestly, the M-51 Isherman would be the best possible WWII produced and massively upgraded vehicle possible.
I wonder what the Ukrainians could do with the IS-3 - Wikipedia. Though my vote is to give the AFU a WW2-era AFV that can add mobility to the infantry or punch to the artillery, rather than try to fight Russian MBTs.

Did the M29 Weasel have any armour? If so, it's amazing capacity to traverse snow and mud is useful.
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Like all soviet heavies - poor automotives, non-existent fire control, insanely bad ergonomics, & a poor rate of fire.

Better to use even an old MBT like the upgraded T-55's & T-62's than the heavies.

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