Hello Soren,
I don't know Soren. By the time the USAAF would have send the B-29's to Germany (Thank God it never happened) it would have maybe been around August/September 45. Let's forget the A-Bomb – even though it was designed/meant for Hitler Germany – these Ta-152 which would not have been around in any significant numbers before September 45 would have had to face F-80's and British Vampires as B-29 escort planes rather than just US props.
And why is it that you only see the uberAllies deploying their most advanced designs in combat? Any further protraction of the war would have had the Germans deploying a bigger number of improved jets to form welcome committees to slam the USAAF.
Now, did you say Vampire there? Is it a joke? Referring to the "second" jet plane "commissioned" by the RAF "during world war two"