Bf 109F-2 or F-4

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Wow, Steph! This is an awesome list. Thank you! What is the reference?

Funny! this is coming from a list document that gives an overview of recalls for modification of the different airframes, brokenup is wrknr series and types. Guess who found that digitized it in Excel and posted the file?? ( was searching now for wrknr 6773 )
Funny! this is coming from a list document that gives an overview of recalls for modification of the different airframes, brokenup is wrknr series and types. Guess who found that digitized it in Excel and posted the file?? ( was searching now for wrknr 6773 )
Hi Snautzer01,

Maybe you already have this information but according to this website which references the book Die Jagdfliegerverbände der Deutschen Luftwaffe 1934 bis 1945 Teil 4/I, the werknummer bloc 6651 - 6822 were WNF built Bf 109 F-2s. Also, The Messerschmitt Bf 109 (Part 2) ''F'' to ''K'' Variants, (SAM Publications, SAM Modellers Datafile 10, 2007) lists the same werknummer bloc and states that 172 Bf 109 F-2s were built between Jan.-Apr. 1941 by Wiener Neustädter Flugzeugwerke.

Hope this helps...
Hi Snautzer01,

Maybe you already have this information but according to this website which references the book Die Jagdfliegerverbände der Deutschen Luftwaffe 1934 bis 1945 Teil 4/I, the werknummer bloc 6651 - 6822 were WNF built Bf 109 F-2s. Also, The Messerschmitt Bf 109 (Part 2) ''F'' to ''K'' Variants, (SAM Publications, SAM Modellers Datafile 10, 2007) lists the same werknummer bloc and states that 172 Bf 109 F-2s were built between Jan.-Apr. 1941 by Wiener Neustädter Flugzeugwerke.

Hope this helps...
I have the original document.
Hope this helps....

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