BF 109G-14/-14AS/-10 canopy handles

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von hahn

Airman 1st Class
Aug 2, 2008
I was wondering, were there different styles of canopy opening handles on Bf-109G models equipped with the 'Erla' canopy?

I'd be most grateful if anyone has any info or diagrams, particularly of the entire mechanism that was used to open and close the canopy.



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Oh yes!
There are different versions of the Erla Haube. You can see that your pics show one with the adapter/jettison frame on the rear closure and the G-10 without the frame!
But, Don't ask me! I'm Engines!!

You can probably see on your photos that the radio mast is either on the fuselage, behind the canopy or on the canopy itself. If the mast is in the old position this is a replacement canopy added to older G-6 or G-14 and matching the frame of the old canopy. The "Erla-haube" with the mast on it is the original one, used on new planes.
Check this forum and post - it might answer your questions (scroll down to the middle of the page):
I also have the following description of the different types:
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Here is a video of Bf-109G-14 with the antennae mounted on the canopy. The wire for the antennae is connected to the canopy handle. When the canopy handle is latched closed it pulls the wire taught. I believe the aircraft with the antennae mounted on the rear fuselage use the smaller canopy handle.

You can see the wire go slack at the 7:34 mark in this video when he opens the canopy handle.


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