It is well known that when a pair of 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons in conformal gun pods were installed under the wings of a Bf-109G it had adverse affects on the handling qualities, reducing its competence in fighter combat and accentuating the tendency of the plane to swing in a pendulum-fashion while in flight. (The conformal gun pods, without ammunition, weighed 135 kg (298 lb) and 135 to 145 rounds were provided per gun. The total weight, including ammunition, was 215 kg. Installation of the underwing gun pods was a simple task that could be quickly performed by the unit's armourers, and imposed a reduction of speed of only 8 km/h (5 mph). [Source: Radinger, Willy and Wolgang Otto. Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-K Development, Testing, Production.])
Question: Did the Luftwaffe have difficulty keeping the guns in the pods sighted in? The Bf-109 was well known for its wing movement (lack of stiffness/flutter.) They spent a lot of time jacking up the aircraft and sighting in the cannons, but did they stay sighted in after one or two flights of the heavy wing-loading that would have occurred in flight and combat?