I am having trouble sorting this out. The F had an engine upgrade and according to squadron signal no 30 the only external difference was the ventral air intake. But pictures abound with F models that seem to have the DB 605 style spinner and nacelle. There were only about 600 F's made so across the four models there had to be few and far between of each, hence the lack/confusion in pictures? Any help would be appreciated. Oh, some say the F has Fug 202 BC can't find pictures, would assume that these were the series introduction of the fug 202 on the bf110's so very few would pictures exist. Or were the bf110 F4's equipped with db 605's? I also read that the F4 had larger tail fins that were used on the g's. Why? Only reason I could consider would be either larger engines/different props or the radar increased crew to 3 members. Help!!!! I am really confused... Any F manuals out there too?