Blank data plates

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Oct 2, 2018
hello, I'm a true outside and don't know where to find proper information.
I bought a great old tool box today and thought I got a great deal. Turns out there are 2 old data plates on the inside that may put value the tool box.
(Pictures will be added)
Ones is Vought Sikorsky and the other is Chance Vought Aircraft. If you look at the MAA on the Chance Vought plate, it says 136794
The tool box came from Sikorsky. Owned by a former engineer. His son sold it to me so the story is thin. I live in Connecticut only a stone throw from Sikorsky so the story is common here.


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Welcome to the site. However trading here isn't allowe in any way. So please limt your action here to the ID of the items..

OK. Thank you .

Regarding the value.. sorry I'm afraid I can't help. Just Im not interested in. However I hope there is somebody who can.

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