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Leave them at homeThey don't have enough fighters with decent range {Tomahawk I would imagine} so they have to use some slower Blenhiems as escorts, how best to utilize them?
Leave them at home
unless you want to needlessly sacrifice valuable aircrews.
Consider the Bf110, a far better aircraft than the Blenheim in just about every respect that I can think of. How did it fare during the Battle of Britain? Not well.
Fast-forward to the period that you're thinking of; the Blenheim lumbering along, for all intents and purposes almost as vulnerable as the bombers its been assigned to protect. Heavily-armed Luftwaffe fighters would thump it and these aren't the machine gun-armed fighters that the Bf110 was facing.
It would be a turkey shoot.
In such a desperate case, yes, I would envisage the twins going after 110s and smaller fighters going after 109s.
In terms of defensive strategy, a good parallel can be drawn with the Atlantic convoy escorts.
I'd leave the Blenheims in among the bombers, where the not-that-restricted-really airspace could possibly serve to curtail the superior manoeuvrability of the German interceptors.I'm not asking if you think it's a good idea, but how you would attempt to do it, even if the odds are bad {obviously Corsairs or Seafires would be preferred!}
Hi Freebird,
You're sending us on a suicide mission for sure ... I hope you have a good reason for that!
Henning (HoHun)
I would leave the Blenheims at home. Period. Their defensive firepower against the Me 110 and Me 109 was pitiful at best and certainly far less than say a B-17 in defense.
It has no offensive capability against either ship.
Once past the notion of using them as escorts go to the next option in the planning scenario. If the Spits or P-40s don't have the range then let them excort in two phases.
Something vital to be sure. Perhaps a string of invasion barges with a Panzer division aboard, heading for the UK coast. If the bombers don't get through it will be a major disaster
Consider the twins to be Beau's, not Blenhiems. There are only a dozen P-40's and perhaps 18 Beau's. The enemy has pehaps 20 Me109's and 16 x Me110's.
The bombing force is about 30 Hampdens Wellingtons
Everything else is out of range or out of service or unavailable.
What if the LW splits his fighters so that the Me110's circle around to come up behind the bombers, do you split the P-40's do deal with both threats? Or have the P-40's meet the 109's the Beau's deal with the 110's?If the target that important, saturate the fighter defense as much as possible with bomb carrying blenheims - more targets to confuse the LW. P-40's and half the Beaus fly high and front escort
Have the P-40 fighters go after the 110's if possible (heavier firepower threat to bombers) but any engagement is going to burn fuel down on the 109s also.
What if the LW splits his fighters so that the Me110's circle around to come up behind the bombers, do you split the P-40's do deal with both threats? Or have the P-40's meet the 109's the Beau's deal with the 110's?
The RAAF certainly did, especially to places like Timor.