Books and Magazines (1 Viewer)

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Alex Smart

Airman 1st Class
Oct 25, 2018
Not sure of this is the correct place to post ?
Due to age and downsizing soon.
My collection of books and aviation magazines are desperately in need of new homes.
So fellow members if you are interested please respond.
Here are the Magazines
A few The Aeroplane Spotter1946/7 a bit ragged.
A few Air Training Corps Gazette 1943/44.
A few Air Reserve Gazette,1946/50
AIR Pictorial from the 1950's to present day.
Air Enthusiast 1971 vol 1 No.1., several years to 1990's
Scale Aircraft Modelling Vol 1 No.1 to Vol 46 No.8.
Then there are the books.
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