Books of British WW2 airfields

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Jul 5, 2009
Hi ALL, and sorry string.

I ask all of you to advice me with books about Military Airfields in Great Britain.
There are too many books is Amazon or Abe Books, so I need help to select some.
(I have only "British Airfield Buildings Vol.1 and Vol.2")

My interests are:
Layout of airfield. Of course tower, ran way, hungers etc, but not only with such "front" parts. I also interests with "back yard" as service buildings, rail way and/or road, gate and fence, kitchen, garbage stocker and so on.
So I want to obtain some books with as MANY as photos, maps, drawings and illustrations. Now I am listing below:
1:Flying at Hendon
2:Raf in Action 1939-1945: Images from Gun Cameras and War Artists
3:The Raf in Camera 1903-1939
4:The Raf in Camera 1939-1945
5:South Western England: Channel Islands, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire (Military Airfields of Britain)
6:RAF Manston in Old Photographs
7:RAF Manston in Old Photographs: A Second Selection
8:Fighter Airfields of World War 2
9:Military Airfields in the British Isles, 1939-45
10:Britain's Military Airfields
11:The Archaeology of Airfields
12:Action Stations 8: Military Airfields of Greater London

Please give me advice, as "This book is not rich with pictures "as" There are better one" and so on.

Thank you.
***Does anyone know how to correct type mistake of thred's title?***

Some supplements what I expect each books.
Daily lives and details for No.2, 3, 4 6, 7
As a sample of its series No.5, 12
General explain for No.1, 8, 9, 11,

Please give me any reviews.

Thank you
To correct mistakes just go to the bottom right of your post and hit the edit sign and it will bring your post up in a new window where you can fix it and then hit the save sign when your done correcting the errors.
Thank yiu very much Aaron Brooks Wolters.
But I can change my post but may can NOT change titlle, isn't it? Or was I take more mistake?
Please give me your reviews at least about

8:Fighter Airfields of World War 2
9:Military Airfields in the British Isles, 1939-45
10:Britain's Military Airfields
11:The Archaeology of Airfields

Please give me your reviews at least about

8:Fighter Airfields of World War 2
9:Military Airfields in the British Isles, 1939-45
10:Britain's Military Airfields
11:The Archaeology of Airfields


Sounds like some interesting books though to be honest I dont own any of them so would not be much use to give you a review.

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