Bristol Blenheim IV question

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Airman 1st Class
Apr 17, 2010
Hi! I'd like to know which ww2 2-engine bomber looked almost identical to the Bristol Blenheim. I refer to the length, wing span,engine layout and rudder shape. Sounds a bit strange but I'd like your help.
The Junkers 88A was about 10% bigger in all dimensions than the short nosed Blenheim I but several times the two aircraft were misidentified and quite a few Blenheim Is got shot down by the RAF.

Hamdley Page Hampdens and Dornier 17s were also often mixed up.

The only aircraft I can think of that looked similar to the long nosed MkIV was the Tupolev SB.
Actually, the Ki-45 looked a great deal like the Blenheim.

Perhaps not in regards to the nose, but the KI-45 had very close dimensions and a similar profile (including radial engines) and could be easily mistaken during an attack or an aerial battle.

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