Bristol Blenheim Mk1 (K7053) crash 1937.

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Jul 13, 2016
Recently I was given a metal detector as a birthday present. Like most people I tested it in the back garden, bear in mind I live in a remote rural area of Shropshire. I started to find what I thought were aeroplane parts, I did a little research and found that a Bristol Blenheim MK1 crashed near the edge of my land on 30th June 1937. Several enthusiast groups apparently have attended the site over the years but not found anything of significance. It has been reported that most of the wreckage was removed at the time of the crash. The main impact site is on my neighbours land. He has given me the ok to detect the impact site and I have found several small pieces. Could anyone assist me with identifying the parts I have found. Firstly to confirm they are indeed aircraft parts and if so, what are they?
I am new to this forum, I have yet to work out how to upload photos etc but they will be on here shortly.


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you discovered typical artifacts from a crash site. most are definitely aircraft related. look for parts/pieces with part numbers and or inspection stamps. you can also post your questions and info source at wreckchasing message board. Wreckchasing Message Board
Thanks for the info, its good to hear most items are from an aircraft. I will post the thread on wreckchasing message board.

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