British (RAF/SOE) Flight Dates Over Balkans 1943

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Old MacDonald

Mar 27, 2018
Not sure I'm posting this in the right spot, but here goes:

Where I can I find the dates and overflight locations (targets) of RAF (presumably river mining ops) and SOE (agent & supply drops) over the Balkans during June-July-August-September 1943? I've searched the web, but may not be using the right search terms. I know these flights were frequent, but so far can find no info except a few anecdotal notes in various books and articles.


Ol' Mac
I was at a talk by a chap on Farm Hall, Godmanchester last night. Farm Hall was used for agent training for SIS and SOE. I will contact the speaker and see if he has any sources. I doubt he will know about mining.
Hey Paul

Very helpful, thanks. I hope he can point me in the right direction. My understanding that SOE's involement in river mining--if any--would have been to identify specific drop areas and possibly report results of mine explosions or removal by the Germans. I wouldn't expect SOE agent/supply drop missions to be done concurrently with mine drops from the same aircraft, but who knows?

Ol' Mac
Not his bag as he is into SIS. I forgot that while SOE and SIS both used Tempsford airfield only SIS used Farm Hall. He suggests contacting the Tempsford Museum and Archive.

I don't live far from there, I must visit.

Good luck


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