British Wildcats in PTO

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Chief Master Sergeant
Mar 2, 2009
Vojvodina, Serbia
With PTO Group Build currently under way on the site, I've became little more interested for Pacific theater. I would especially like to know more about Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm's actions in this theater. But for now and for the purpose of this thread I'm just looking for pictures or color profiles of British operated Wildcats/Martlets in PTO. Also which colors and camouflage patterns were used on British Wildcats in this area of operations? And which roundels, full British roundels or simplified two tone ones? So far the search on the internet and in few of my books gave results mostly about Wildcats/Martlets which operated with Royal Navy in Mediterranean, Atlantic or even in Normandy landings, but very few to none results for their use in the Pacific.
Thank you for your help...
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I believe I'm right in saying that the Martlet did not see service in the PTO - by that point the only Grumman fighter in the FAA arsenal was the Hellcat, which, coincidentally, did see service in the ETO as well.
Thanks for your post BT. I too have my doubts if British operated Martlet in PTO at all, since my search was unsuccessfull so far. However, there's this model for example, so I don't know what to think about this matter...


  • mk_v_jv439_enviar_2.jpg
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Isnt the deployments to the Eastern Fleet part of the PTO? If so then HMS Formidable operated a squadron (No 888) of Martlets (IIs and IVs from February 1942 until early 1943. These aircraft were engaged against the japanese in the Indian Ocean foray, and later took part in the invasion of Madagascar.
I think there has already been a thread about similar topic somewhere on the forum.Please look around Igor.

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