C-109 Liberator Express Tanker Identifying Features

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Jun 2, 2020
Besides the closed in nose are there any other identifying features for the C-109 Liberator Express Tanker version of the B-24? I have seen F-7A Photo Recon Liberators with similiar closed in nose.

Is the above a C-109? The serial #42-51983 isn't listed in Joe Baugher Serials website or anywhere on the net.

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Thanks ThomasP,

Your info confirms that Serial # 42-51983 was converted to a C-109 tanker.

It's important I have the correct designation for images in the Collection.

All B-24, C-87, C-109 and F-7 images in the Collection will be online this week at Jeffrey Ethell Collection


The serial IS on Joe Baugher's list (even though not all are on his list):

42-51826/52075 Ford B-24J-15-FO Liberator MSN 3357/3606

51980 (725th BS/451st BG) returned to USA Jun 21, 1945
51982/51983 converted to C-109
51984 (724th BS/451st BG, "Miss Fire") salvaged Feh 13, 1945


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