CAD Design for Mustang Replica

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The words "educational display" in your first post would have been enough to get a totally different response from the community here.
I don't see how that is "telling your plans which people can use against you". To me that seems like you distrust all of us beforehand, but you expect us to unconditionally trust trust you at your first words.
If you want to raise funds for anything, you'll find that you'll have to present plans. That will be mostly true if you want to involve a company to support you, but is equally true if you need support from individuals. The fact that those Ukrainians did help you for free must mean that the knew something that we don't, namely that you are trustworthy and that they are putting their energy in a worthy cause. As DerAdlerIstGelandet said, if you keep up the attitude of asking for help without explaining yourself and then slashing at people who question you on that, you will find a hard time to get any support at all in the real world.
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