camshaft identiying ! witch motor ? PICTURE

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May 12, 2008
Who can help me to identify this camshaft
It is supposed to belong to A36 fall end of 1943 ITALY between Rome and Naples. I m trying to identify this plane, in this website I obtain real precious informations and my research is on

May be ALLISON V1710 or not

Is there a good mechanical who could recognise

I m In France
Thanks for help


  • ITALIE 05 2008 011_edited.jpg
    41.8 KB · Views: 255
  • ITALIE 05 2008 013.jpg
    233.6 KB · Views: 249
I can't believe it !!! Thanks MICDROW,
Exactly the same camshaft , So I can be sure now for V1710 Allison !


Excuse me but Im happy !!
Yes Its an A-36 , in the short list below , there is an MIA which is at 5 miles from the crash point . It s Isola del Liri . The pilot could be ALBERT PRICE of the 27th FG or Douglas Plowden of the 86th FG (still Alive)

For Albert Price the Area matches very well but I don't know if he joined the USAF in MAY 44 (after beeing hiden several mounth)

For Plowden the story matches , but the area is a little bit too far 40miles.
I saw that this victory is claimed by the luftwaffe but may be not confirmered because he did not crash in same area,
The people recall they heard "tatatatata" and somebody said it s the 20mm anti aircraft, and they saw the plane with smoke. May be he was already heart and flew at low altitude. He hit the ground at an altitude of 770m (2300ft)

I have to find out all the story, it would so great for all a village
My mother saw him only once, the kids had to go to bed when he was coming home !!!

Another question please : what is the key to identify a geographic point like : O-2118 or G2008

42 83938 10sept43 MACR703 27FG Darrell E. Williams Condemned point O-2118, depart St Antonio L/G

42 84088 19sept43 MACR708 27FG Hafer Robert 3 km west Pescopagana depart Cappacio

42 83976 27sept43 MACR966 86FG Grossett Dewey L FOD illisible depart Sele

42 84124 11nov43 MACR1196 27FG Price Albert S. Isola del liri depart Gaudo

42 84060 5dec43 MACR1472 27FG MIA Italie ?

42 84078 9dec43 MACR1479 86FG Plowden R. Douglas Jr Valmontone depart retourné le 24 mai 1944 (still alive)

42 83919 12nov43 27FG Wisley L. Richard MIA point G-2008 depart Gaudo

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