Can Anyone Help With A Mystery Propeller?

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Nov 10, 2014
Hi all, apologies for crashing into the forum with a question.

I've had this Rotol type propeller in my possession for some 15 odd years. My wife bought it for me as a Birthday present from the small ads in Flypast. The seller didn't know what it was from but sold it as 1940's vintage possibly from a Seafire. I've had no luck whatsoever in confirming this after spending many hours over the years trawling through online sources. It does look similar to some Seafire props but the codes do not match with any from online sources and there is no metal edge on mine (and no indication that there ever was one). As much as I love the thing, I really want to know what type of aircraft is was once attached to!

The prop is of wooden construction and 146cm in length. The black paint looks original with a lot of wear and fine cracking. The yellow paint at the tip looks good but there seems to be some rough minor restoration or field repair at the very tip. There are no markings on the paintwork and nothing impressed into the wood.

The codes on the base of the steel boss are:

RA101**R (** looks like either 55 or 35 as only the bottom half of each number is visible)

There is a small metal data plate attached which has what looks like RA1341* (* is possibly an obscured number)

If anyone has any knowledge or thoughts I'd be pleased to hear them.

Thanks in advance.

I'm pleased to say that the RA code has been identified as RA10135R which puts this prop as part of a Seafire 47. Thanks to any folks who looked. This has had me scratching my head for years!
Good for you, I couldn't find the number so only knew it was a Rotol blade.

The last R had me confused but I guess it's the rear blade of a contra rotating pair (if I've got them the right way round )


Can you tell me if the leading edge of the prop blade has the armored strip found on WWII era Spitfire blades? i couldn't quite tell from the photos

Thank you in advance.

Can you tell me if the leading edge of the prop blade has the armored strip found on WWII era Spitfire blades?

It wasn't armour as such, more like protection of the leading edge profile from the likes of FOD (foreign object damage) on the ground.

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