Can somebody identify these aircraft?

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Top one could also be a Tu-2. Any way of getting a closer shot? If those are sitting on what I think it is, the diecasts must be very small.

They are 1/432 Pewtercraft. (I collect them)
Sadly this is the only pic I have, I was trying to get them on ebay but I goofed on the end time and missed it.

I'm trying to figure out what I lost out on.

The bottom one looks American, could it be an A-30? (Martin Baltimore)
My opinion... the top one is Pe-2 ( it can't be the Tu-2 rathre. The bomber had two gunner stations at the top of the fuselage.) the second one looks like the Il-4 and I agree with Terry on the bottom one that looks like a Douglas Boston/A-20.

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