Senior Master Sergeant
What Mkloby said that if we were such great humanitarians how come we were not in Iraq and I in return asked how come the US wasn't in Sarejevo when it was being starved and shelled the longest siege in modern history. The fact is we are fighting in Afghanistan in along with the US Brits Dutch and Aussies . Maestro brought up the money issue not I
Pb - please let me clarify. I did not mean Canadians. I was referring to those, which generally lie on the far left. Those, that usually come out in force and protest ANY war on the grounds that it is inhumane or unlawful. Those who would rather see a ruler slaughter his own people, even with poisonous gas, rather than intervene with the use of force.
Another avenue these individuals often take is past US policy. Whether the US supported Iraq in the past is not the issue. That cannot be changed. Nobody is saying that US policy in the past was always the best course. Whether the US responded more slowly, too late, or maybe not at all in another conflict is not the issue either.
I think that anyone can recognize that it is IMPOSSIBLE for the US to intervene at the forefront and stop all tragedy in the world. Economically speaking, it is just not possible (not to mention the plethora of other reasons as to why it wouldn't be possible). I can't see the use of the argument that the US didn't respond properly to this conflict or that atrocity in the best way, so therefore the US intervening in any is illegitimate, or not only that but it is self serving.
I know you didn't bring up the economic aspect of Iraq, Pb. There are other considerations in Iraq other than simply removing the past regime from power. As far as the US "making money" or "blood for oil" claims, the US has spent a tremendous amount of resources in Iraq. Some don't let this interfere with their belief that it is profit-motive driven, and use the military-industrial complex theory to counter that, or possibly American companies that are involved in rebuilding Iraq's infrastructure. Everyone should be able to see that the US is not gaining ecnomically from her involvement in Iraq, and should look to other reasons as to why the US got involved.