Caribou Manuals

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Many thanks Ferg,

Ive downloaded and reduced the file size's of the files. The 75 meg file Ive divided into two parts for easier downloading for those with slower internet connections.



  • C-7A USA Flight Manual T-0-1C-7A-1 Part 1.pdf
    27.8 MB · Views: 468
  • C-7A USA Flight Manual T-0-1C-7A-1 Part 2.pdf
    35.8 MB · Views: 471
  • Flight Manual C-7A Performance Data T-1C-7A-1-1.pdf
    23.7 MB · Views: 408
  • CV-2B_Pilot's_takeoff_list.pdf
    8.2 MB · Views: 435
  • FM 57-220 Static line parachuting.pdf
    92.3 KB · Views: 262
You are welcome, Micdrow. And thanks for splitting the file. I spent 7 hours and 15 minutes downloading it last night, myself.

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