CF-100 Canuck

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Admiral Beez

Oct 21, 2019
Toronto, Canada
I've always like the Clunk, … Canuck. An interesting vid here.

No mention that both Avro Canada and Orenda Engines were subsidiaries of Britain's Hawker-Siddeley. It's a Canadian fighter for certain, but a degree of corporate oversight came from Britain. In 1962 after the Avro Arrow program ended, Hawker-Siddeley closed down Avro Canada and reorganized its remaining assets into Hawker Siddeley Canada - makers of Toronto's subways and streetcars into the 1980s before its acquisition by Bombardier Group.
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I have always felt that the Clunk would have been amenable to an attack variant... sort of the Canadian A-6 - land-based only, of course.

Perhaps in the CF-103 swept-wing version.

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I like it. It would need a good Canadian name. Beaver, Buffalo, Caribou, Chipmunk and Otter are taken by DeHavilland Canada. Grizzly, Cougar and Lynx are taken by the army. Maybe the Avro Loon or Moose?

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