Classic Fighters Airshow 2017... Yes, 2017!

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Oct 12, 2011
Hi Guys,

I've been toying around with some of my old airshow images in the vain hope that I can improve them. This means rejigging these ones from last year. I've added some effect to some of them; it's not to everyone's taste, but here's a sample. There's a link to the lot of images below.

Proctor side
This is a Proctor, even though it is configured to look like a Gull Six - Jean Batten's Gull Six, to be precise.

Spitfire IX
High shutter speed has frozen the prop blades. This is before I learned to fiddle about shutter priority settings.

Tank advance
Tank Mk.IV advancing.

Camel repro with a big hunk of wood at the front.

Camel and D VII have it out.

Corsair -2
I could only get this shot with a fast shutter speed and my 600mm lens...

RNZAF Seasprite.

Herky doing a Khe Sanh approach.

Yak-3 Steadfast is a former Reno air racer and boy, is it fast.

It's all engine.

Warbirds flypast-2
Final warbirds fly-by

P-40 still
RCAF P-40 at dusk.

Link to more photos from this series here: Classic Flighters 2017

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