Collins Foundation in Dallas April 7-12

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I didn't even go see the bombers. I've seen the so many times as the airport is 1 mile from my office I go by there at lunch. I just went into the gift shop. One of the cool parts about when they are here is their flight path is right over my house so I get to see the bombers in flight all weekend.
I know this may sound kind of stupid, but I try and get out to see them any chance I get, because as the years pass, the old warbirds start showing up in fewer numbers and further in between.

Hopefully I'll be long gone when they no longer fly...

Witchcraft taken during a pass at Redding Airport (RDD) last year (2009)


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Beaut pic Dave! And I agree, go to see, and photograph, these birds as often as you are able. It's so easy to become complacent when used to seeing them around, as I know from experience. But oh, how I regret not photographing (and losing photos) of some of the aircraft from the past, which were common at the time and now either scrapped, out of service or, sadly, lost in accidents.
Thanks guys!

Terry, same here! I've regretted not getting (or losing) photos of aircraft I was in and around years ago, that I guess I took for granted, as they (and thier owners) would be around forever.

And in this digital age, you can't use the cost of film as an excuse for not getting as many photos as possible!
Yesterday I was at my ranch, which is 70 miles east of Dallas, and the P-51 flew right over head, circled a couple times, and flew off.

Man, I just love the Merlin sound.......

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