Corsair carrier torque roll crash (1 Viewer)

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It looks like he kept the stick full aft the entire time.
To my eyes It also looks like he stalled it by pulling the nose up to soon. Or improperly trimmed, or a mechanical failure of something in the elevator system. It looks like the elevators are nose up the entire time. I wish my father was still around I would have asked his opinion. But he never flew off anything smaller than an Essex class carrier, other than training, and did not fly fighters. ( he also briefly flew off the USS Enterprise CV-6 so slightly smaller but not much.)
To my eyes It also looks like he stalled it by pulling the nose up to soon. Or improperly trimmed, or a mechanical failure of something in the elevator system. It looks like the elevators are nose up the entire time. I wish my father was still around I would have asked his opinion. But he never flew off anything smaller than an Essex class carrier, other than training, and did not fly fighters. ( he also briefly flew off the USS Enterprise CV-6 so slightly smaller but not much.)
The board says flaps full down, 6 deg elevator up, 6 deg right rudder, 6 deg right aileron. The flaps and elevator on the airplane look okay to me, but the rudder looks like it's left vs right (and I can't see any input on the ailerons until after it starts to roll). I know from (very little) experience that a T-28 will snap roll if you put in the wrong (left) rudder at high power settings, and it looks to me like the first departure is the tail coming right, simultaneous with the nose coming up.

I also suspect the nose coming up so fast is related to the CAT shot, but admit being totally clueless about how those things work.
Doesn't 6 deg elevator up actually indicate 6 deg's of up stab trim? But again I am not a Navel Aviator and have no experience with F4U flight controls. My Father did fly them, but mostly reposition ferry flights. I wish I could still ask him.
Not sure what you're asking. Some aircraft trim the entire stabilizer, but I'm pretty sure the F4U only trims the elevator via a tab. And to be clear, "it looks okay" to me only means I can't see anything obviously wrong . . . I can't really tell where the elevator trim is in that video, but the rudder trim appears to be backward.

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