Thanks to you both. SR - I have a need to publish documented tests forming documented Range parameters for a new book. RCAFson - I need the rest of the report to parse the test runs,..
I am writing a book that may be titled "Mustang - The Bastard Stepchild that saved the 8th AF".
The body of the book will start with Casablanca and POINTBLANK directives and move forward through the growth of the 8th AF into the Crisis of October 14, 1943. In the background will be the frenzy initiated by Arnold, Eaker and Spaatz searching for long range escort solution leading to Arnold to tell Barney Giles "Go fix this and have a solution by December, 1943". The development of Ferry tanks, combat tanks, tank pressurization, internal fuel increase and (briefly) the birth of the P-51B. the introduction of the P-38J and development progress to increase internal fuel - are part of the story. I am not going to devote much time to the politics of Echols/Material Command obstruction re: the P-51 acceptance.
Part of the book will be a technical section highlighting documented performance for P-38, P-47, P-51, Bf 109G-6, FW 190A7 at SL, 5,000 feet, 20,000 feet, 25,000 feet and 30,000 feet (dash and climb) bridging Summer/Fall 1943 through D-Day.
An often asked question is "If the AAF had the F4U-1A (with max internal fuel of all versions) could it have been a major contributor in the 8th AF escort role". The answer is partially yes, to the extent that projected Combat Radius with boundary conditions same as AAF metrics, would permit about the same as the P-47D-25 with 370 gallons but at lower escort altitude and cruise airspeed. What remains unanswered for comparison purposes is the Cruise and Combat performance at 25,000 and 30,000 feet where the P-47D really stood out in comparison.
What is clear (to me, at least) is that from F4U-4 series and beyond, stripping the unprotected wing tanks (361 to 237 gallons) and reducing internal fuel well below the early P-47D 305 gallon, would render the F4U to Penetration and Withdrawal escort role. Still Greater than Spit IX but maybe not as good a performer at 25000+ feet. I suspect without hard facts that the key question would have been "F4U-1 vs P-38H" not F4U-1 vs P-47.
Thanks to you both.
I am writing a book that may be titled "Mustang - The Bastard Stepchild that saved the 8th AF".
The body of the book will start with Casablanca and POINTBLANK directives and move forward through the growth of the 8th AF into the Crisis of October 14, 1943. In the background will be the frenzy initiated by Arnold, Eaker and Spaatz searching for long range escort solution leading to Arnold to tell Barney Giles "Go fix this and have a solution by December, 1943". The development of Ferry tanks, combat tanks, tank pressurization, internal fuel increase and (briefly) the birth of the P-51B. the introduction of the P-38J and development progress to increase internal fuel - are part of the story. I am not going to devote much time to the politics of Echols/Material Command obstruction re: the P-51 acceptance.
Part of the book will be a technical section highlighting documented performance for P-38, P-47, P-51, Bf 109G-6, FW 190A7 at SL, 5,000 feet, 20,000 feet, 25,000 feet and 30,000 feet (dash and climb) bridging Summer/Fall 1943 through D-Day.
An often asked question is "If the AAF had the F4U-1A (with max internal fuel of all versions) could it have been a major contributor in the 8th AF escort role". The answer is partially yes, to the extent that projected Combat Radius with boundary conditions same as AAF metrics, would permit about the same as the P-47D-25 with 370 gallons but at lower escort altitude and cruise airspeed. What remains unanswered for comparison purposes is the Cruise and Combat performance at 25,000 and 30,000 feet where the P-47D really stood out in comparison.
What is clear (to me, at least) is that from F4U-4 series and beyond, stripping the unprotected wing tanks (361 to 237 gallons) and reducing internal fuel well below the early P-47D 305 gallon, would render the F4U to Penetration and Withdrawal escort role. Still Greater than Spit IX but maybe not as good a performer at 25000+ feet. I suspect without hard facts that the key question would have been "F4U-1 vs P-38H" not F4U-1 vs P-47.
Thanks to you both.