To be concise, bakters, sims ... particularly commercial gaming sims that are less than $200 ... are as good as the equations used and no better. It is a simple fact that the precise equations of maneuver, acceleration, and other critical parameters are simply not known by commercial gaming programmers, almost all of which are not aeronautical engineers who have studied WWII combat aircraft, particularly fighters. What they mostly do is tweak the flight characteristics to produce a fun to play game and an aircraft model that doesn't snap roll or break the wings off when you pull too hard.
It has little to nothing to do with a real WWII combat fighter.
You methods of discussing and replying to posts say a lot about you. Only you can decide if you like the persona presented. Reading the last 4 pages of post replies, you can maybe guess what other people see.
It has little to nothing to do with a real WWII combat fighter.
You methods of discussing and replying to posts say a lot about you. Only you can decide if you like the persona presented. Reading the last 4 pages of post replies, you can maybe guess what other people see.