Could you Put a Merlin in a Zero?

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big long massively heavy crankshaft one an in-line... it's why they died out in favour if radials.

No, that's not why.

Liquid cooled engines died out in favour of gas turbines (jets) in military aviation.

They were never really big in commercial aviation, and being more highly strung and requiring more systems to maintain they were more expensive.
Who said the inline's died out in favor or radials? They didn't in Germany. They didn't in Great Britain...the Griffon, the Napier Saber...and many other. The US had all kinds of liquid cooled engines going. What aircooled engines besides the the R3350 and the corncob were in development? Jets killed them all. It was never a factor of radials over inlines.
I don't know.

The Griffin may have been the last aircraft V-12 produced. According to Wikipedia, it went out of production in 1955.

It looks like the Allison V-1710 was out of production by 1951.

The Pratt & Whitney Aircraft R-2800 went out of production in 1960.
The Wright R-3350 Duplex Cyclone was produced through 1957.
The Alvis Leonides was produced until 1966.

Thank you for the data.
They were just the last hangers on till a new generation of something could replace them. Large HP was turbine, small HP seems to be tilted toward liquid toward liquid cooled diesel.

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