Years ago, I had a conversation with my colleague, a US resident, who had said about John McCain something like "he crashed five aircraft because of his negligence". It took me probably just five minutes to refute that claim. I don't remember the article I used, probably this one (below) or a similar one.
My companion shrugged and continued: "OK, not five. But he stayed in the Navy only thanks to his Dad. Any other pilot would be sacked after that first crash in 1960". I did not argue since I had no idea about rules in US Navy.
Recently, that old topic was revived again in another discussion, to my surprise.
Now, if we stay away from anything "political" and from John McCain's personality and just focus on the accident and the regulations of that period...
"Any Navy pilot who lost his aircraft by his mistake in 1960 would be sacked". True or not?

McCain's Plane Crashes -
Q: Did McCain crash five planes? Did he cause the 1967 Forrestal fire? A: No. Chain e-mails and Internet postings that make that claim are mistaken. One crash was found to be his fault, but the Navy commended his piloting skills. FULL QUESTION Is the information below true? I have heard that...

Recently, that old topic was revived again in another discussion, to my surprise.
Now, if we stay away from anything "political" and from John McCain's personality and just focus on the accident and the regulations of that period...
"Any Navy pilot who lost his aircraft by his mistake in 1960 would be sacked". True or not?