D-13 vs. Tempest

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Staff Sergeant
May 11, 2008
Franz Götz flew his Fw 190D-13 in mock combat against a Tempest and rated them as equal. It came down to pilot skill he said.
Is it known which Tempest version he was pitted against, V or ll?
And did he use MW50?
Franz Götz flew his Fw 190D-13 in mock combat against a Tempest and rated them as equal. It came down to pilot skill he said.
Is it known which Tempest version he was pitted against, V or ll?
And did he use MW50?
Given this was very shortly after VE day, its almost certainly likely to have been a Tempest V I would have thought. The Tempest ii was tropicalised and intended for service with Tiger Force, and still wasn't in operational service with the RAF before VJ day. Some iis were in Germany around October '45 - so if you can get a date for the fly-off, you might be able to definitively answer the question
Apparently there were several post-war flight trials by the British between Fw 190 D-13 and Tempest V. On June 25, 1945, German pilots Major Heinz Lange and First Lieutenant Günter Josten had opportunity to fly the D-13 (unknown if MW 50 was used).
All Typhoon/Tempest enthusiasts or those interested in WWII air to ground support should read David Ince's "Brotherhood of the Skies" IMHO, onw of the best personal accounts by a perceptive observer, talented pilot, and inspired writer ... doesn't suffer from the faults of the usual "as told to" genre of books. His Squadron wound up being assigned to a couple KG200 bases as the war wound down, and he documents several Typhoons and at least one Tempest repaired by the Germans and evaluated.
wasn't it a Tempest squadron 486th that engaged the TA 152H's from JG 301 in April of 45....was just thinking out loud with out going to my data files. maybe the Ta superior though that is not quite the word I want to use to Dora 13 ?

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