Dakota lights?

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Sep 8, 2012
Hello all. I hope that I'm in the right section of the Forum.
1) I found this aircraft's light. Someone told me that it is a nav light (starboard light) of a C-47 Dakota aircraft belonged to the Italy's Air Force. Could it be true?
In the Web still I did not found any confirmations.

2) Looking around I saw also that the DC-3/C-47 had similar lights, but often with a kind of transparent, vertical panel above, like this one below. Was it a winglet for the tip's vortices? Or was it something else?

Without part numbers or markings, it would be hard to tell if it came from a specific aircraft. I many cases, parts like that could be used in multiple types as well.

On warbirds today, sometimes the plexiglass piece is there so that the crew in the cockpit see a little of the light to let them know the lights are working, and to help them gauge how far the wing is out there when taxiing at night or dusk. On the Israeli C-47s (mallards), the plexiglass piece was shaped like a duck.
Ok, thanks, very interesting for me.

The code may be: 50-54653, but the 6 could be a "C". I don't understand very well it is worn out.
I don't think it is a DC3/C-47 nav light. Also it isn't of Li-2. According to the ATC old rules, the basic nav lights are: red for the port wing. green for the starboard one and white for a tail. The light above is of blue what means it might have been one of additional lights usually mounted at the bottom of fuselage. It is possible it is of a different plane.

DC3/C-47 wingtip nav light

Li-2 wingtip nav light..
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