Shinpachi, how much data do you have on the Nakajima Ha-44-12 engine with Hitachi Ru-204 turbosupercharger ? This is the powerplant of Ki-94-II.
I lately discovered this :
Tatsuo Hasegawa, Ki-94
At the bottom of the page one can find the link to article: " 12. Hasegawa, T. Full-fledged high-altitude air-defence fighter aircraft Ki-94. The World's Aircraft 1956: 6(5);100-107 and 1956:6(6); 94-95 (世界の航空機、鳳文所林、港区 "
It gives all the estimations on the performance and also engine power.
According to article table it should be :
Name Ha-44 mod.12 with Ru-204 turbosupercharger
Nominal HP 2,070 HP/ 0m, 2,260 HP / 10 km, 2,100HP / 12km, 1,750HP / 14km
Take off HP 2,400HP / 2800 RPM
Reduction ratio 0.43055 "
Those data are different from what I could find in the internet and other books, including Japanese titles:
Take-off Power - 2450 HP / 2800 RPM
Nominal - (HP / alt (m) / RPM)
However if I would have to choose between those ... I would rather accept the values given by Mr. Hasegawa since he was engineer in Ki-94 program and other values come from unknown to me source, however are replicated by many other publications.
If you could take a look into your data Shinpachi maybe something could be revealed