DB 605 compressor to engine speed ratio

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Nov 19, 2006
I'm looking for the ratio between compressor speed and engine speed (once the compressor clutch was fully engaged) for the DB 605. Maybe this figure could be the same for all DB 605: If this is not true, it would be nice to have this info for the DB 605A, at least.
Thanks in advance to everybody will be so kind to post the answer to my question.
For a Swedish built version post war the ratio varied from 7.0:1 to 10.0:1.

This version was rated at 1475HP at 2,800rpm for take-off, 1575HP at 2,800rpm at 7,000ft for " Military" power and 1,250HP at 2,600rpm at 19,000ft for "normal" power.

Information is from 1948 edition of "Aircraft engines of the World" by Wilkinson.

Maybe someone has less "second hand' information.
Thanks Shortround6 ! As far as I know, for the DB 601, the compressor to engine speed ratio, when the compressor clutch was fully engaged, was 10,4. So your value about the DB 605 A is very close to the solution for the DB 601. Moreover this is "in line" with what could be reasonable for these devices.
Thanks to Jan7 also for the link about the site
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I You will find the the DB engines used a setup very similar to a Torque Converter/hydraulic linkage for the compressor linkage, thus giving an Infinite number of solutions to the speed ratio ?

if you look on the German Cockpit Instruments page, you can find a very nice technical manual for the DB601, it may even be on this site also ? it has good schematics and cross section drawings, but of course is in German :O
Thanks Fanakapan . I'm aware about the "torque converter" principle dirving the compressor of DB601, DB605 and DB 603 engines and the implication about compressor to engine speed ratio due to a progressive engagement of the compressor as a function of altitude. I picked up the info about the maximum compressor to engine speed ratio of DB 601 (10,4) from a DB601 engine manual. Unfortunately I haven't a DB 605 original manual in my hands and this is why I asked here for the figure I was looking for. What I'm assuming, as a reasonable basis, is that the way of operating the compression as a function of pressure was the same whatever DB engine we are speaking about. This is why, even if I don't have any original german written DB 605 manual, the descriptions about the operating principle of this engine and the power vs altitude curves (full throttle and constant speed) look pretty much the same to those od DB601, apart from the actual power levels.
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